> The organizer of production № 1 2018
Full Issue
Scientific reviews
С. 7-22
Malikova D.M.
The features of organizing production in defense industry complex of the Russian Federation at the present stage
Theory and methods of production organization
С. 23-33
Chuprov S.V.
Adaptivity of the management system of stability and innovative development of industrial enterprise
The practice of production organization
С. 34-44
Chernysheva G.N., Achekin A.A., Vorontsev V.A.
System of indicators for analysis and estimation of level of organization of engineering-aviation security
Enterprise management
С. 45-56
Grishunin S.V., Mukhanova N.V., Suloeva S.B.
Development of concept of risk controlling for industrial enterprise
С. 57-66
Lutovinov P.P., Kozlov D.I.
The stability assessment of the enterprise and the personnel expenses optimization
Economic problems of production organization
С. 67-72
Aniskin Y.P.
The performance of the production as a catalyst for the growth of industrial activity
С. 73-83
Romanov B.A.
The use of “input-output” model for production planning of interacting enterprizes
Innovation process control
С. 84-92
Sazonov A.A., Dzhamay V.V., Povekvechnykh S.A.
Analysis of efficiency of implementation of CALS technologies on the ex-ample of domestic aviation
Modelling the production systems
Mamonov V.I., Poluektov V.A.
Modeling calendar scheduling and justification of the norms of production flow
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