Information on the magazine «Organizer of production» |
1. The official name of the edition — “Organizer of production”.
2. ISSN editions – 1810-4894 (print), 2408-9125 (online).
3. Frequency – quarterly (1 quarterly).
4. Edition type – the magazine.
5. Format – the typographical edition, the electronic version.
6. The status – active.
7. Subject headings –
8. The publisher – the Voronezh state technical university.
9. Country – Russian Federation.
10. The first year of the edition – 1993.
11. The history – the Magazine is published since 1993. It is registered in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in 2002. Name change, and also merge and division of the magazine wasn’t made.
12. Contents type – the scientific edition.
13. Editorial characteristic of a content of the magazine (summary): The purpose of the magazine is covering of results of scientific researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of the organization of production and synthesis of experience of organizational work at the enterprises and in economy branches. The magazine is calculated on coverage of subject of publications in the directions: theory and methods of the organization of production, management of the enterprises, organization of innovative activity, economic problems of the organization of production. The magazine publishes scientific reviews, scientific reviews and responses. The magazine extends on a subscription in the Rospechat agency and is in a free access of the Internet and the Russian scientific electronic library.
14. The address of a site of the magazine –
15. Number of pages in release – 200 p.
16. Parallel names in English – Organizer of Production.
17. Key characteristics –
18. Data on the editor-in-chief – the Doctor of Economics, professor, professor of Digital and industrial economy of the Voronezh state technical university E.V. Shkarupeta, e-mail:, ph.: +7 (473) 274-54-00.
19. Data on the publisher – the Voronezh state technical university. Address: Russia, 394026, Voronezh, 20th anniversary of October, 84, academic building No. 1
20. FGBOU VO “The Voronezh state technical university”.
21. Circulation – 1 000 copies.
22. The subscription price – 600 rub.